Soul Technology Healing

Soul Technology is a no-touch healing technique that is conducted in the non-physical dimensions. It has the effect of removing blockages which are impediments to the full expression of the soul’s spirit, joy, talents and purpose here on Earth. Working within a multi-dimensional framework, with each of the energy bodies superimposed upon the other, it impacts at the core levels of the energy matrix, detoxifying stress patterns and allowing each individual to access the wealth of their Higher Essence  inheritance.

It’s the first step in wellness, and recovery from any type of negative pattern, whether chronic or acute. Once you have undergone this deep-level healing work, your highest potentials, which are limitless, can begin to manifest, from this moment, NOW.
This is very deep, transformational work. It does not shift things at just a surface level, or all at once; it can truly progressively re-structure your life from the core level, outward throughout all the layers of the onion.

By allowing and accepting this energy work into yourself, you make a choice because you truly desire and are willing to work to achieve genuine, deep change in your life for your highest and best good.

The mechanics of this are accomplished in an amphitheater of a higher dimension in the non-physical realms, distantly and then are followed by one session of hypnosis which puts all the parts of you on the same page.
Soul Technology has had a profound effect on those who have experienced this healing. It has been effective for:

  • Diverse health issues and pain in connection with chronic, congenital or autoimmune conditions.
  • Emotional issues resulting from past trauma ranging from depression to weight management
  • Relationship Dynamics
  • Finances being transitioned from scarcity to abundance
  • Life Circumstances through exponential personal growth and evolution.
  • Ageless Body & Anti-Aging potential∞ with DNA repair and crystalline DNA activation

How can one system of healing be designed to impact such a wide range of outcomes ?  It is a tool of empowerment.

All experience arises from vibration resonating with attractor fields. Soul Technology institutes a program of managed frequency attunements, aligning our vibration vertically to fulfill our life purpose

What others have said...

“The experience that I had with Soul Technology was nothing short of life-altering. It opened me up to experiencing a Divine realm I never knew I could reach from here. After actually FEELING a huge and beautiful energy engulf my entire body during the session, my being felt a shift in consciousness, awareness, and frequency ever since then. While the problems themselves did not dissolve, my attitude and ability to handle them changed so dramatically, that it has definitely altered the course of my life.” SC Passaic, NJ

“Seriously, I do feel my heart has blown wide open and my mind is clear and the energy is rising. Thank you. I feel good things coming for all of us”. R..M.., Bloomfield, NJ

“ No severe depression or death wishes. I haven’t used Prozac since end of last year, I only needed it one time after the Soul Technology healing. I am definitely in a better place. I can’t name it,  but better”.   R.F., Paramus, NJ

“ I am clearer, more energized and more directed to those things that are positive and consistent with the future I am creating. I attribute much of the changes to the work Ajnira and I have done together In short, I have the sense that my whole Being has been healed and expanded. I have the daily experience of being ecstatically involved in the creative process of a life being lived fully.”T.DA., Morristown, NJ

“No one that I have ever known can out perform her combination of intellectual and intuitive abilities to expose the real forces at work and no one uses such a unique combination of therapeutic, counseling and energy tools to take people from pain and chaos to the safe shore they desire to be on. . What I experienced in her presence was that deep changes in me were possible and they would have powerful an effect which was to free me and make my life the one I really want to be living.” S.B, Jersey City, NJ

Soul Technology is amazing! Encounters experienced on the energetic level (or ‘spiritual level’ if you prefer) are fully played out later on the physical level, providing opportunities for clearing up long-standing issues. Ajnira is a truly gifted guide who leads you at your own pace to where you need to go. I recommend Soul Technology sessions for the ultimate healing experience. KH, Barbados,WI

“On the day of the healing I went to Ajnira’s not quite sure what to expect.  It only took about an hour or so and it was a very moving experience.  I immediately felt a shift take place in my mind, body and spirit.  The only way I could describe it is to compare it to the first morning you wake-up feeling healthy after having been sick for a few days.  I felt all my senses sharpened, and more alert than I’d been in a while.  The real change comes when you are presented with all the situations, people and dynamics that push your buttons. This healing gave me choices in how I move in my everyday life.

Ajnira followed up with me to ensure that I was on track and using the tools she’d given me to help myself.  Apart from Ajnira’s obvious gifts, I am most impressed with her genuine desire to help people.  She utilizes her gifts and tools with integrity, and for the highest purpose intended.” A.B., NYC, NY