The Origins of Soul Technology

One day we (Ajnira & a friend who prefers to retain her privacy) were conducting our nightly foray into the spiritual realms via telephone channeling. Archangel Michael, who was now a regular at these nightly excursions, responded to our incessant requests for healing. Our standards were exacting and uncompromising as we expected nothing less than absolute release and relief from all of our human problems. If we can even remember what they were; physical ailments, relationship issues, family issues, obsessively malcontented. What was really happening was that we stumbled upon our spirituality. We were so insistent, Archangel Michael had no choice but to usher us in to a fully integrated, self-enhancing, healing modality. We heard the name “Soul Technology” and then we lost touch with our third dimensional settings. A panoramic amphitheater of healing opened up in our field of vision. It was in Technicolor. We were in the center, spiraling outwards into the full inter body network of ourselves. All of our etheric and physical bodies, instead of operating at their respective dimensional coordinates, were brought to the same moment of NOW. Masters from every mystical tradition were milling about, in ceremonial garb. We had the impression that we were rejoining an ongoing live event. The experience of Soul Technology began cascading through our field. We were participants and observers simultaneously. We were also finishing each others sentences. It was like a play we were acting in and watching at the same time, but we could feel the changes as they were occurring.  We slipped in and out of consciousness, only to awaken and realize it was still going on…Holy cow ! “What just happened?”, we asked each other. We asked ourselves. We have never been the same..

That was then and this is NOW…

Ajnira has been leading individuals on Soul Technology healing journeys since 2004. In private practice and personally, she has the  wisdom and experience that this path teaches and feels privileged to be a way-shower and facilitator. Whether you now stand at the threshold or are further into freedom, you will find you are in a trans-dimensional healing sanctuary . Choosing this path, you’ll find yourself on a multi-dimensional moving highway in the company of others to share your experiences with.